How to Log a Voicemail Call in Salesforce

The Salesforce folks have started publishing short best practice snippets over on YouTube.

Here’s a customization tip that describes how to create a custom button that performs two actions for you:

  • Logs a completed activity (that you made a call and left a voicemail),
  • Creates a new task to follow up later with a call

So if you’re confident in your basic Salesforce Administrator skills, this is a nice little productivity tool for your reps.

Note: The video only mentions that once this button is created, you’ll have to know how to add it to the appropriate page layouts, so you should be familiar with that concept.

Below the video is the custom code used for the button.

Here’s the code (modify the code to fit your instance if your field names are different):

/00T/e?followup=1&title=Call&retURL=%2F{ !Contact.Id}&who_id={!Contact.Id}&what_i d={!Account.Id}&tsk5=LVM&tsk6=Left+a+voi cemail+for+{!Contact.Name}
&tsk5_fu=FU+VM+w+{!Contact.Name}+fr+{!Ac count.Name}&tsk4_fu={!TODAY()+2}&save=x

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2 Responses to How to Log a Voicemail Call in Salesforce

  1. reed says:

    How do you add the button to the contact details page? Please help! Also thanks for the great video.


  2. Matt Kaufman says:

    You can add the button to the Contact page layout by viewing a Contact record and clicking on the Edit Layout link in the top right corner of the detail section. Once on the Edit Layout screen, you just have to drag the button from the chooser to the Buttons section of the layout.

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