Email Template for Integration

Thanks go to Steve Andersen who works for ONE/Northwest and runs the website, for contributing a helpful email template for clients (and that can be modified for in-house users). This tells people about’s Salesforce for Google Apps functionality, which was officially announced today.

What is Salesforce for Google Apps? Read the template for a great breakdown of the possibilities for your business:

Hi {!Contact.FirstName},

Salesforce has a Google Apps integration that is available at no charge:

Since you are currently using Google Apps I would suggest taking a look at what’s involved.

Google Apps Salesforce integration allows you to:

* Link Google Documents to Salesforce records and have them show up in the Attachments related list

* Have the Google Documents home page display in a Salesforce tab

* Click to compose a Gmail message from any email address field shown in Salesforce

* In Gmail, BCC a special email address and have the messages go directly into Salesforce, connected to the Contact

* Show a GTalk sidebar on all Salesforce pages, showing all your online chat Contacts

The integration looks pretty nice, and would be fairly easy to install for you since you’re already using Google Apps. Let me know if you have any questions!



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